Nicomsoft OCR: Developer's Guide



C++:int Cfg_SetOption(HCFG CfgObj, int BlockType, UNICODECHAR* OptionPath, UNICODECHAR* OptionValue)
C#:int Cfg_SetOption(int CfgObj, int BlockType, string OptionPath, string OptionValue)
Visual Basic:Function Cfg_SetOption(ByVal CfgObj As Integer, ByVal BlockType As Integer, ByVal OptionPath As String, ByVal OptionValue As String) As Integer
Java:int Cfg_SetOption(HCFG CfgObj, int BlockType, String OptionPath, String OptionValue)
Delphi:function Cfg_SetOption(CfgObj:HCFG; BlockType:integer; OptionPath:PWCHAR; OptionValue:PWCHAR):integer


Sets a new value for the specified OCR option. For more details, see the NSOCR Configuration section.


CfgObj [IN] – the Config object.
BlockType [IN] – the block type that defines which top-level configuration section will be used to save the option. Use the BT_DEFAULT constant to write to the default section. See the Blk_SetType function for details about block types.
OptionPath [IN] – a Unicode, null-terminated string that contains the full path and name of the OCR option.
OptionValue [IN] – a Unicode, null-terminated string that contains the new value of the specified OCR option.

Return value

Zero if success, otherwise an error code.




See the sample code for the Cfg_SaveOptions function.