Nicomsoft OCR: Developer's Guide



C++:int Img_GetBlockCnt(HIMG ImgObj)
C#:int Img_GetBlockCnt(int ImgObj)
Visual Basic:Function Img_GetBlockCnt(ByVal ImgObj As Integer) As Integer
Java:int Img_GetBlockCnt(HIMG ImgObj)
Delphi:function Img_GetBlockCnt(ImgObj:HIMG):integer


Retrieves the total number of Block objects (zones) assigned to the specified Image object.


ImgObj [IN] – the Image object.

Return value

Zero if success, otherwise an error code.


Zones can be added automatically at the OCRSTEP_ZONING step, or manually with the Img_AddBlock function.


The following code recognizes an image and gets the properties of each zone:

int CfgObj, OcrObj, ImgObj, BlkObj, res, bcnt, lcnt, wcnt, i, j, k, n, Xpos, Ypos, Width, Height;
wchar_t* txt;
Engine_InitializeAdvanced(&CfgObj, &OcrObj, &ImgObj); //initialize OCR engine, create objects and load configuration
res = Img_LoadFile(ImgObj, L"c:\\sample.bmp"); //load some image for OCR
if (res > ERROR_FIRST) {}; //insert error handler here
if (res > ERROR_FIRST) {}; //insert error handler here
bcnt = Img_GetBlockCnt(ImgObj); //get number of zones
for (i = 0; i < bcnt; i++)
  Img_GetBlock(ImgObj, i, &BlkObj); //get Block object
  res = Blk_GetType(BlkObj); //get zone type
  Blk_GetRect(BlkObj, &Xpos, &Ypos, &Width, &Height); //get zone position and size
  res = Blk_Inversion(BlkObj, BLK_INVERSE_GET); //get zone inversion 
  res = Blk_Rotation(BlkObj, BLK_ROTATE_GET); //get zone rotation
  res = Blk_Mirror(BlkObj, BLK_MIRROR_GET); //get zone mirror flag
  res = Blk_GetBackgroundColor(BlkObj); //get zone background color
  n = Blk_GetText(BlkObj, NULL, 0, FMT_EDITCOPY) + 1; //get buffer size plus terminating NULL character
  txt = (wchar_t*) malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * n); //allocate memory for text
  Blk_GetText(BlkObj, txt, n, FMT_EDITCOPY); //get zone text
  //...use "txt" value now
  free(txt); //free memory  
  lcnt = Blk_GetLineCnt(BlkObj); //get number of text lines for zone
  for (j = 0; j < lcnt; j++)
    Blk_GetTextRect(BlkObj, j, -1, &Xpos, &Ypos, &Width, &Height); //get text line position and size 
    n = Blk_GetLineText(BlkObj, j, NULL, 0) + 1; //get buffer size plus terminating NULL character
    txt = (wchar_t*) malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * n); //allocate memory for text
    Blk_GetLineText(BlkObj, j, txt, n); //get line text
    //...use "txt" value now
    free(txt); //free memory  	
    wcnt = Blk_GetWordCnt(BlkObj, j); //get number of words of "j"-th text line of zone
    for (k = 0; k < wcnt; k++)
      Blk_GetTextRect(BlkObj, j, k, &Xpos, &Ypos, &Width, &Height); //get word position and size 
      res = Blk_GetWordFontColor(BlkObj, j, k); //get word font color
      res = Blk_GetWordFontSize(BlkObj, j, k); //get word font size
      res = Blk_GetWordFontStyle(BlkObj, j, k); //get word font style
      res = Blk_GetWordQual(BlkObj, j, k); //get word quality
      res = Blk_IsWordInDictionary(BlkObj, j, k); //check if this word is in dictionary	  
      n = Blk_GetWordText(BlkObj, j, k, NULL, 0) + 1; //get buffer size plus terminating NULL character
      txt = (wchar_t*) malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * n); //allocate memory for text
      Blk_GetWordText(BlkObj, j, k, txt, n); //get word text
      //...use "txt" value now
      free(txt); //free memory	  
Engine_Uninitialize(); //release all created objects and uninitialize OCR engine

//assume reference to NSOCR COM was added
using NSOCR_NameSpace; //Add NSOCR namespace from "NSOCR.cs" file
int CfgObj, OcrObj, ImgObj, BlkObj, res, bcnt, lcnt, wcnt, i, j, k, Xpos, Ypos, Width, Height;
string txt;
NSOCRLib.NSOCRClass NsOCR = new NSOCRLib.NSOCRClass(); //create NSOCR COM object instance
NsOCR.Engine_InitializeAdvanced(out CfgObj, out OcrObj, out ImgObj); //initialize OCR engine, create objects and load configuration
res = NsOCR.Img_LoadFile(ImgObj, "c:\\sample.bmp"); //load some image for OCR
if (res > TNSOCR.ERROR_FIRST) {}; //insert error handler here
if (res > TNSOCR.ERROR_FIRST) {}; //insert error handler here
bcnt = NsOCR.Img_GetBlockCnt(ImgObj); //get number of zones
for (i = 0; i < bcnt; i++)
  NsOCR.Img_GetBlock(ImgObj, i, out BlkObj); //get Block object
  res = NsOCR.Blk_GetType(BlkObj); //get zone type
  NsOCR.Blk_GetRect(BlkObj, out Xpos, out Ypos, out Width, out Height); //get zone position and size
  res = NsOCR.Blk_Inversion(BlkObj, TNSOCR.BLK_INVERSE_GET); //get zone inversion 
  res = NsOCR.Blk_Rotation(BlkObj, TNSOCR.BLK_ROTATE_GET); //get zone rotation
  res = NsOCR.Blk_Mirror(BlkObj, TNSOCR.BLK_MIRROR_GET); //get zone mirror flag
  res = NsOCR.Blk_GetBackgroundColor(BlkObj); //get zone background color 
  NsOCR.Blk_GetText(BlkObj, out txt, TNSOCR.FMT_EDITCOPY); //get zone text
  lcnt = NsOCR.Blk_GetLineCnt(BlkObj); //get number of text lines for zone
  for (j = 0; j < lcnt; j++)
    NsOCR.Blk_GetTextRect(BlkObj, j, -1, out Xpos, out Ypos, out Width, out Height); //get text line position and size 
    NsOCR.Blk_GetLineText(BlkObj, j, out txt); //get line text
    wcnt = NsOCR.Blk_GetWordCnt(BlkObj, j); //get number of words of "j"-th text line of zone
    for (k = 0; k < wcnt; k++)
      NsOCR.Blk_GetTextRect(BlkObj, j, k, out Xpos, out Ypos, out Width, out Height); //get word position and size 
      res = NsOCR.Blk_GetWordFontColor(BlkObj, j, k); //get word font color
      res = NsOCR.Blk_GetWordFontSize(BlkObj, j, k); //get word font size
      res = NsOCR.Blk_GetWordFontStyle(BlkObj, j, k); //get word font style
      res = NsOCR.Blk_GetWordQual(BlkObj, j, k); //get word quality
      res = NsOCR.Blk_IsWordInDictionary(BlkObj, j, k); //check if this word is in dictionary	  
      NsOCR.Blk_GetWordText(BlkObj, j, k, out txt); //get word text	  
NsOCR.Engine_Uninitialize(); //release all created objects and uninitialize OCR engine

'assume reference to NSOCR COM was added
'assume "NSOCR.vb" file was added to project
Dim CfgObj, OcrObj, ImgObj, BlkObj, res, bcnt, lcnt, wcnt, i, j, k, Xpos, Ypos, Width, Height As Integer
Dim txt As String = ""
Dim NsOCR As New NSOCRLib.NSOCRClass 'create NSOCR COM object instance
NsOCR.Engine_InitializeAdvanced(CfgObj, OcrObj, ImgObj) 'initialize OCR engine, create objects and load configuration
res = NsOCR.Img_LoadFile(ImgObj, "c:\sample.bmp") 'load some image for OCR
If res > TNSOCR.ERROR_FIRST Then 'insert error handler here
End If
If res > TNSOCR.ERROR_FIRST Then 'insert error handler here
End If
bcnt = NsOCR.Img_GetBlockCnt(ImgObj) 'get number of zones
For i = 0 To bcnt - 1
  NsOCR.Img_GetBlock(ImgObj, i, BlkObj) 'get Block object
  res = NsOCR.Blk_GetType(BlkObj) 'get zone type
  NsOCR.Blk_GetRect(BlkObj, Xpos, Ypos, Width, Height) 'get zone position and size
  res = NsOCR.Blk_Inversion(BlkObj, TNSOCR.BLK_INVERSE_GET) 'get zone inversion 
  res = NsOCR.Blk_Rotation(BlkObj, TNSOCR.BLK_ROTATE_GET) 'get zone rotation
  res = NsOCR.Blk_Mirror(BlkObj, TNSOCR.BLK_MIRROR_GET) 'get zone mirror flag
  res = NsOCR.Blk_GetBackgroundColor(BlkObj) 'get zone background color 
  NsOCR.Blk_GetText(BlkObj, txt, TNSOCR.FMT_EDITCOPY) 'get zone text
  lcnt = NsOCR.Blk_GetLineCnt(BlkObj) 'get number of text lines for zone
  For j = 0 To lcnt - 1
    NsOCR.Blk_GetTextRect(BlkObj, j, -1, Xpos, Ypos, Width, Height) 'get text line position and size 
    NsOCR.Blk_GetLineText(BlkObj, j, txt) 'get line text
    wcnt = NsOCR.Blk_GetWordCnt(BlkObj, j) 'get number of words of "j"-th text line of zone
    For k = 0 To wcnt - 1
      NsOCR.Blk_GetTextRect(BlkObj, j, k, out Xpos, out Ypos, out Width, out Height) 'get word position and size 
      res = NsOCR.Blk_GetWordFontColor(BlkObj, j, k) 'get word font color
      res = NsOCR.Blk_GetWordFontSize(BlkObj, j, k) 'get word font size
      res = NsOCR.Blk_GetWordFontStyle(BlkObj, j, k) 'get word font style
      res = NsOCR.Blk_GetWordQual(BlkObj, j, k) 'get word quality
      res = NsOCR.Blk_IsWordInDictionary(BlkObj, j, k) 'check if this word is in dictionary	  
      NsOCR.Blk_GetWordText(BlkObj, j, k, txt) 'get word text	  
    Next k
  Next j
Next i
NsOCR.Engine_Uninitialize() 'release all created objects and uninitialize OCR engine

//assume NSOCR package was included
//Java VM option "-Djava.library.path" must point to "Bin" folder (x86 platform) or to "Bin_64" folder (x64 platform)
int res, bcnt, lcnt, wcnt, i, j, k;
NSOCR.NSInt Xpos = new NSOCR.NSInt(0);
NSOCR.NSInt Ypos = new NSOCR.NSInt(0);
NSOCR.NSInt Width = new NSOCR.NSInt(0);
NSOCR.NSInt Height = new NSOCR.NSInt(0);
StringBuffer txt = new StringBuffer();
NSOCR.Engine.Engine_InitializeAdvanced(CfgObj, OcrObj, ImgObj); //initialize OCR engine, create objects and load configuration
res = NSOCR.Engine.Img_LoadFile(ImgObj, "c:\\sample.bmp"); //load some image for OCR
if (res > NSOCR.Error.ERROR_FIRST) {}; //insert error handler here
res = NSOCR.Engine.Img_OCR(ImgObj, NSOCR.Constant.OCRSTEP_FIRST, NSOCR.Constant.OCRSTEP_LAST, NSOCR.Constant.OCRFLAG_NONE); //perform some OCR steps, stop before autozoning step
if (res > NSOCR.Error.ERROR_FIRST) {}; //insert error handler here
bcnt = NSOCR.Engine.Img_GetBlockCnt(ImgObj); //get number of zones
for (i = 0; i < bcnt; i++)
  NSOCR.Engine.Img_GetBlock(ImgObj, i, BlkObj); //get Block object
  res = NSOCR.Engine.Blk_GetType(BlkObj); //get zone type
  NSOCR.Engine.Blk_GetRect(BlkObj, Xpos, Ypos, Width, Height); //get zone position and size
  res = NSOCR.Engine.Blk_Inversion(BlkObj, NSOCR.Constant.BLK_INVERSE_GET); //get zone inversion 
  res = NSOCR.Engine.Blk_Rotation(BlkObj, NSOCR.Constant.BLK_ROTATE_GET); //get zone rotation
  res = NSOCR.Engine.Blk_Mirror(BlkObj, NSOCR.Constant.BLK_MIRROR_GET); //get zone mirror flag
  res = NSOCR.Engine.Blk_GetBackgroundColor(BlkObj); //get zone background color 
  NSOCR.Engine.Blk_GetText(BlkObj, txt, NSOCR.Constant.FMT_EDITCOPY); //get zone text
  lcnt = NSOCR.Engine.Blk_GetLineCnt(BlkObj); //get number of text lines for zone
  for (j = 0; j < lcnt; j++)
    NSOCR.Engine.Blk_GetTextRect(BlkObj, j, -1, Xpos, Ypos, Width, Height); //get text line position and size 
    NSOCR.Engine.Blk_GetLineText(BlkObj, j, txt); //get line text
    wcnt = NSOCR.Engine.Blk_GetWordCnt(BlkObj, j); //get number of words of "j"-th text line of zone
    for (k = 0; k < wcnt; k++)
      NSOCR.Engine.Blk_GetTextRect(BlkObj, j, k, Xpos, Ypos, Width, Height); //get word position and size 
      res = NSOCR.Engine.Blk_GetWordFontColor(BlkObj, j, k); //get word font color
      res = NSOCR.Engine.Blk_GetWordFontSize(BlkObj, j, k); //get word font size
      res = NSOCR.Engine.Blk_GetWordFontStyle(BlkObj, j, k); //get word font style
      res = NSOCR.Engine.Blk_GetWordQual(BlkObj, j, k); //get word quality
      res = NSOCR.Engine.Blk_IsWordInDictionary(BlkObj, j, k); //check if this word is in dictionary	  
      NSOCR.Engine.Blk_GetWordText(BlkObj, j, k, txt); //get word text	  
NSOCR.Engine.Engine_Uninitialize(); //release all created objects and uninitialize OCR engine